By CoachKev | Published | No Comments
Warmup at Kinross Sportive This year’s events for charity fundraising is made up of a warmup, the main event and a cool down. The warmup of choice was the Kinross Sportive on 27 April. The day started off with registration and trying to get everything ready before setting off. The weather was not the warmest and required a winter bibs and a jacket. I was really hoping to ride in shorts. I even had to dig out some winter gloves that provide some level of waterproofing. It was just after 8:30 when I crossed the start line and started the day’s journey. This was not only a test of my ability before the big ride in May but also the first real ride on my new bike. The route felt long and lonely in some parts where I spent a lot of time not seeing another rider near me. It was a mental game, one I knew I had to overcome. The last few kilometres was probably the worst. It started raining, the road surface was terrible and I was starting to get tired. I had been riding hard the whole way and I think it was starting to take its toll. I eventually recognised some landmarks and realised it was almost over. I pushed a bit harder and only had one aim in mind; finishing strong. I took the last turn and saw the finish line. I felt amazing knowing that it was almost over. I was ever more excited when I was told I am on of about a dozen cyclists who have finished. I am normally at the back. Later that day the results were published and I felt extremely proud of my efforts. It turned out that on my route, and in my age group (M40-49) I finished 7th, and there were more than 7 riders 😀 This gave me a huge emotional boost and hopefully I will be able to take this with me into the half Ironman in Nottingham on 19 May.
Further updates from Marius can be found on his website